Tuesday, November 4, 2008

As saram aleikum

“As saram aleikum,” the Egypt language, means, “I pray you have a peace." When I visited to Egypt, I ran fist language. I almost have done my dream. It is to travel the “Seven Wonders of the World”. I had seen Great Pyramid, Lighthouse of Alexandia, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Colossus of Rhodes, and Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. I will visit to Babylonians after finding job. When I prepare my dream, I used to have to fears about my friends. They didn’t like my dream. They said, “You are crazy and change mind” because I didn’t speak English very well. I planed trip and made money. Finally, I was almost successful to my goal. If I will finish my dream, I will visit trip of world. Maybe, I will meet Anna.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Your dream is amazing! Don't let people be naysayers. I think it's amazing that you have been able to go to those places. I've always wanted to see all of the Wonders of the World but I don't know if I'll ever have the chance.
Also, I would love to bump into you on you travels. I'll be sure to see you somewhere in the world, though be sure to keep your writing away from me. I don't want to make you cry in the future! ;-P